I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People

Paul McKenna, PhD, is described as the "Dr. Phil" of the United Kingdom. He is the UK's best-selling non-fiction author, having sold three million books in the last three years. He has worked with Hollywood movie stars, Olympic gold medalists, rock stars, top business leaders, and royalty. The Times of London recently named McKenna one of the world's most important modern self-help gurus. For years, McKenna has helped millions of people successfully quit smoking, lose weight, overcome insomnia, eliminate stress, and increase self-confidence.

In the spring of 2008, he had a hit TV series on TLC called I Can Make You Thin. This unique interactive program has already been a massive success in the UK and McKenna's system has changed the way millions of people lose weight in Europe. Now he's coming to America!

  • Hardcover: 176 pages
  • Publisher: Sterling; Book and CD edition (December 30, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1402765711
  • ISBN-13: 978-1402765711

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